The Points Of Reference

The Points Of Reference | The Synthesis | The Interpretations | The Points | The Area Of Oblivion

The Points Of Reference, Fragments, 2012, Paulina Sylwestrowicz | Oil on canvas 20×20 cm
The Points Of Reference, Chaotic Forms 2018, Paulina Sylwestrowicz | Oil on canvas 150×130 cm

The Points of Reference /as a part of the Doctoral Thesis “Chaotic Forms”, 2018/ is a series of three oil paintings, using reverberating colours and the phenomenon of complementing colours. A geometric network of points appears only when you approach the painting and they seems to twinkle alternatively, creating a living, reactive suspension. Achieved simultaneous contrast results in the effect of subjective enhancement of contrasting colours and it creates the impression of afterimage. Multistability of vision consists in focusing alternatively on an object and then on the background and on disappearing and twinkling points.

What inspired me directly to paint the Points of Reference were the words of Jerzy Ludwisiński about the advent of Great Light – infinite blue – in his text written in 2000 on Elimination and Revolution51. He mentioned internal, personal artistic implosions, mini-revolutions of consciousness, which do not explode, but their entire light is directed inside. Such light shines bright in blue constellation of consciousness and each of its particles represents an individual – a thinking human being. Such a set of thinking individuals must have a specific texture   and coordination. Each individual, in a way similar to any other particle in the universe generating impulses, has an impact. Its existence in time creates certain ‘vibrating trajectory’, which appears like a heat map of versatile activity, synchronising through individuality.

Another source of inspiration for me was the structure  of  Bose-Einstein  condensate,  where large fractions of bosons, under specific conditions, are condensed into a structure characterised by self-similarity and concurrence. The speed of bosons cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero is almost zero. As a result, their exact place in space is undefined. In such ‘cloud of probability’ bosons lose their individuality and start acting as a collective. It suffices to impact one boson in order for the other ones to adopt the same momentum, the same quantum state of the lowest possible energy. Boson condensate has been dubbed a new physical state of revolutionary properties, one of them being superfluidity, comparable to superconductivity. No friction means no barriers, potentially unlimited movement, which is not confined by time and space. Synchronisation, especially spontaneous synchronisation, is fascinating for the researchers, and yet it is reflected in every aspect of life. According      to neurobiologists, the moments of mental experience result from a sudden neurological wave that forms by synchronising millions of neurons in human brain. This is followed by instantaneous unification, which is identified with psychological insight. This in turn implies a speculation that consciousness is a result of experiencing electromagnetic synchronisation by human body.

The Points Of Reference, Chaotic Forms 2018, Paulina Sylwestrowicz | Oil on canvas 150×130 cm
The Points Of Reference, Chaotic Forms 2018, Paulina Sylwestrowicz | Oil on canvas 150×130 cm

The series was preceded by many painting studies that explore this area in a form of points and a grid, merging it with reflection on the human condition, society and individuality. How would they behave, interact and shine together.

The Points Of Reference, 2016, Paulina Sylwestrowicz | Oil on canvas 95×40 cm
The Points Of Reference, Fragments, 2015, Paulina Sylwestrowicz | Oil on canvas 30×30 cm
The Points Of Reference, Fragments, 2015, Paulina Sylwestrowicz | Oil on canvas 10×10 cm
The Points Of Reference, Fragments, 2017, Paulina Sylwestrowicz | Oil on canvas 40×40 cm
The Points Of Reference, Fragments, 2015, Paulina Sylwestrowicz | Oil on canvas 10×10 cm
The Points Of Reference, Twilight, 2014, Paulina Sylwestrowicz | Oil on canvas 130×100 cm
The Points Of Reference, Fragments, 2015, Paulina Sylwestrowicz | Oil on canvas 10×10 cm
The Points Of Reference, Twilight, 2014, Paulina Sylwestrowicz | Oil on canvas 100×81 cm
The Points Of Reference, Fragments, 2012, Paulina Sylwestrowicz | Oil on canvas 20×20 cm
The Points Of Reference, Fragments, 2017, Paulina Sylwestrowicz | Oil on canvas 40×40 cm
The Points Of Reference, Fragments, 2016, Paulina Sylwestrowicz | Oil on canvas 98×60 cm
The Points Of Reference, Fragments, 2016, Paulina Sylwestrowicz | Oil on canvas 20×30 cm
The Points Of Reference, 2016, Paulina Sylwestrowicz | Oil on canvas 50×50 cm
The Points Of Reference, Fragments, 2016, Paulina Sylwestrowicz | Oil on canvas 20×20 cm