Embryo is a part of doctoral series The Transitional States of Mind, which refer to elementary forms, particles, separate sounds or signs, which can come together as a sentence and only then start to make sense. It is a separate line (curve), which makes an object appear out of chaos.
A detail or an embryo of matter, which consists of abstract linear parameter that has been extracted out of the plane covering its depth. Collaterality becomes a main plane – a platform for discussion and exchange.
Extracting the germ out of a fold making part of a bigger whole makes it possible to access the conceptual nature of our perception, mostly as inability to separate what we see from what we know. Depth, most often shown in a plane, is an element of mimetic play, suggesting space where there is none. Such reversed drawing shows its depth, the dimension of which has been magnified, where the hidden presumed aspect of a curve becomes a major focus. An elementary fold created in such a way, this undivided whole, Leibnizian monad, the inside/ outside part of which, accessed cunningly, becomes a plane that is observed.
The Transitional States of Mind are a DNA of complex, chaotic structures, which apply the multiplication principle to improbability. Preserving their nature of autonomous entities, they still remain a part of a bigger whole, maybe constitute also their source or a code, which a larger organism in their image, like a fractal, is able to generate. Delimiting them out of a bigger whole, makes it possible to approach a linear gesture from a different perspective.